Clem Harrod’s journey started in high school when he took his first audio-visual class. During that time, his eyes were opened to see things for more than they appear on the surface. A driving force behind his journey from camera operator to video projectionist was, and continues to be, the ability to create what his imagination sees. After almost two decades in the industry, Clem started coming to the realization that his mind and body were beginning to reject the work that he once loved. With the desire to set himself up for long-term success, he began to leverage his relationships with his colleagues to seek out more information and guidance.
That desire became the vision that led to CLEMCO.AV, which Clem founded in 2016. Clem, the entrepreneur, was born.
With the expansion of CLEMCO.AV into CLEMCO.U and then CLEMCO.HR, Clem uses the CLEMCO network to align and converge his values of making a difference, helping others understand their gifts and talents, providing supportive solutions, and equipping others with tools to run a successful business.
With the launch of his Projection 101 series of books and workshops through CLEMCO.U, Clem has provided, and will continue to provide, resources to help others manage their time, money and relationships, envision, empower, then execute the life of their dreams, and even go deeper into the technical process of engineering successful video projection projects.
CLEMCO.HR is another step in the right direction in service of Clem’s mission to assist independent contractors. As they work through their long-term goals, Clem finds it imperative to support these freelancers through the process of managing life as a small business owner. CLEMCO.HR and its service providers do this through the framework of budgeting, bookkeeping, accounting, financial planning, health/business insurance, and mental health support not often available for those outside of a traditional work environment.
“At the end of the day, my desire is to help you project the best image possible, and through my network of resources and service providers, I feel we can do just that… Projection101”
-Clem Harrod